
We can line up to buy it with paper bags on our heads.

Okay Pyn-tards, it's official: there is a new Thomas Pynchon book. It is, quote, a "noir detective story set in the 1960's.""With lots of psychedelia in the background." "Around 400 pages." This is huge because, as everyone who follows his career knows, Pynchon prefers not to begin a book until six hundred generations of PhDs have written their doctoral theses on his previous one. Speculation can only intensify as the novel nears readiness for publication, but it's nice to know that a) you might have a chance of finishing this one before your children reach adulthood, put you in a home and can no longer afford to buy your reading glasses and b) Thomas Pynchon is writing about intrigue and paranoia for a change.

Speaking of intrigue and paranoia, as I mentioned in a previous entry, I did make the colossal blunder of going to see "Blindness" by myself this past weekend and the only bright spot of those three hours was a trailer for the film adaptation of "Doubt" - a brilliant, critically acclaimed play that I declined to see at the Sarasota Asolo Theater this spring because I liked it too much. Philip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams (!) star alongside what looks like a truly harrowing Meryl Streep. Trailer for the least trite-looking film of award season yet after the jump.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is the OTHER least looking film of awards season. However, this one is not as award-fodder-y, not by a long shot (it does, however, also star PSH).
