
The Life Vicarious gets low-down.

To my blog -

Being both nascent and neglected, you bear a lot of unfortunate resemblances to an unwanted child. I know I haven't always been the best mother or given you a lot of stability. I wrote a whole essay on critical responses to "Sex and the City" and then left you to fend for yourself for days. I allowed Anthony Lane to come up twice over the course of twelve entries. I can't decide how I want to raise you - whether you're going to be about my life in New York City or literature, and it worries me that I feel I have to choose. What's worse, I don't feel like I know who you are at all. Are you confessional? Snarky? Highbrow? Lowbrow? Some bastard confluence of all four? Parenting is hard, but I want you to know that I always always wanted you.

So many thanks to The Life Vicarious for babysitting on Thursday with a rewrite of the July 14th entry:

Everyone is yelling at us for neglecting this blog like a dumpster baby. We didn't even know anyone we know valued such things (websites, developing human life, both major time wasters.) But now like a deadbeat dad who didn't see the money-making potential a well-disciplined child could produce through corporate sponsorship, we say give us back our baby so we can paint it!

Sometime very soon we, I mean I, plan to return the favor. Just now I and my dumpster baby have a tanning salon to visit.

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